Here is a video board. We encourage you to leave a quick video explaining how long you have been alienated if you reunited how you reunited, what level of devastation and loss was experienced, what was the holdback for the child what state you were in what the courts are like, and we will at some point make a compilation video of all of that and attach it to the film.

You will want to upload it to a video channel, such as YouTube, Rumble, BitChute, etc. Keep in mind that an alienator’s most feared thing is being explained in full, go ahead and do that and know that they will be reporting it with 4 fake stalker harassment accounts they have had for years so, you may as well upload it four times too. You can post links to those videos below and when it’s time we will do some work with it all.

Much love and remember the Universal Law of Polarity and overcoming extraordinary challenges and evils is the gateway to becoming an extraordinary human being,  — overcoming the keyword there.

click here for the forum where links can be posted. you must sign up here first.

Those who post get free pre-sale tickets to the movie!

We are building up the punch!!!