Philadelphia Homicide City, Money Murder, and Politics has a rich backstory I will summarize quickly here. My name is Brandon Angel, and Bangland is a project I have had in the works for ten years, I didn’t fully commit to the project until now. When my child was kidnapped by her mother I started receiving threats that said “Sign this document or I will take everything!!” and the ex-wife of the new boyfriend who tossed my daughter across the room eventually, was telling me about the DUI of this kidnapping child abuser and asking me if she had serious drug problems and if her kids were safe there; my life was saved in a hotel room where I was seconds from death.

It is now ten years later, and this child has what I now call “Elizabeth Smart syndrome, she is deathly afraid of not having her mother attached to her hip, and severely brainwashed to think I am a “crazy, liar, toxic person,” everything her mother actually is. I however am the complete opposite of that. My mother was a copy of my kid’s mother and my Freudian slip was explained perfectly by Johnny Depp (at the time my child lived ten minutes from this testimony, and also where these types of women would be burned just a little of 100 years ago) about another copy of these two, and throughout this journey, I have realized that these soulless people who will abuse kids and lie to everyone they know are everywhere!  Elizabeth Smart was from an excellent Christian home with super-parents, and was kidnapped and taken to the hills lived in a tent with two child-abusing control freaks, raped daily, and when the police discovered she said she was not Elizabeth Smart. She lost it when she was separated from the criminals a professed devoutly that the sick pieces of human garbage were great people. The kidnappers were both later diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorders. [1,2,3,] It is important to realize that clinical terminology such as “parental alienation,” or “narcissist,” are NOT accurate, or specific labels, and in these cases, we must pay stern and thorough investigative attention to all the many individual case factors.

This “Elizabeth Smart denial syndrome,” like Stockholm syndrome has very dynamic factors that differ between each case but the main idea is that “a known abuser, or a person conducting known identified abuse, which includes brainwashing to make the abused think they are the savior,: is used to prolong the abuse, deceptions, manipulations, etc., to continuously perform the abuse uncontested and eventually even aided by the victim.” This is the condition of my now permanently ex-child or deceased child spiritually, 50 Cent’s child, and an estimated 22 million other children. They want to destroy the parental bond for their sick desires of seeing that ex-spouse who rejected them (my case) fall, and they want all the handouts, the victim story, the forceful mobilization of the Jerry Springer family into her own personal army of attack flying monkeys (almost all cases), and they want the money. That is right! There is big money for this, four big monthly checks (Welfare, SSI, EIN, Child Support), big tax rebates, in a system seemingly designed to destroy winners and empower parasitic looser people to do child abuse, right in front of all of us for a ransom and a family abuse God code that police and the whole shebang back up.

There is a lengthy segment in the Philadelphia Homicide City Production, Winner of Best Documentary in the 2008 Hip Hop Music Awards for Philadelphia, still used in the Philadelphia prison system today, and a citation in several academic studies on this type of urban violence about how fathers who are being targeted using their children (which does activate an aggressive “Pappa Bear DNA response”) by dirty ex-spouses who lie to the system about them and deny them access to their child were much more likely to explode and that this epidemic level of child abuse, was underlining a piece of the total homicides of more bodies than days (statistically one of the most murderous cities in the United States).

The film brought major insights from many different perspectives and created a beautiful story within the story. Several students from North Philadelphia Girard Colledge caught the eye of a recently accommodated veteran from Albuquerque New Mexico who simply applied to all schools near to his daughter as he was honorably discharged, and ready to take a year of schooling to re-integrate with society productively. He was shocked to be accepted to a prestigious school and quickly realized that the off-campus housing boom there had better chances for him than academia, especially at levels he was nowhere near day prepared for.

The Albuquerque Veteran was also a devout Christian and a Missionary Assistant for 8 years and decided he was called directly by God to do something in this extreme North Philadelphia situation that was shocking to him. There is not an African American community in Albuquerque, or at least there wasn’t in the 90’s. Not like in Philadelphia. No one seemed to care about these people and many had the same look in the eye as the Native Americans he felt so much for growing up. A look of “pure hopelessness,” just as you can hear in the film.

One day out on Thompson Street near 18th, North Philadelphia a group of young men who were just excited that I would sit there and speak with them genuinely were telling me about their friend who made a beat for Gillie the Kid’s big track at that time “Get Down on the Ground,” and how he wanted to make a film about the insane murder rate there. As they were saying that, a car drove by blasting it, and just after explaining “That’s the song!” they pointed at that time, a very young Barry Evans pushing a stroller up the street. I was a new father too, my child was 6 at that time, Raynell Jones and Barry Evans would have their kids used this way during the making of the movie Barry has since figured something out, and Raynell continues to struggle with the severe internal pain of having your best relationship destroyed and objectified by a deeply selfish, cruel and likely soulless individual, and seeing his son. I had my kid every other weekend and three months in the summer and she had a blast, and never wanted to go back home!

The New Mexico native ended up funding a studio in his 6th house purchased in three years as he rapidly created the small Empire many Philadelphians will remember: Templepads. Five young men worked tirelessly on something around thousands of hours of work to complete the film, which did have a drastic impact.

After a Temple University discussion on the film that invited us, a homeless woman ran up and said “Thank you I lost my son to this,” hugged me, and explained what the Mothers in Charge group president exclaimed in the film “that there is no outcry for all our babies that are dying.”

We sold 500 of 1000 disc makers copies at 20 dollars within 2 months of the release. Bootleggers said it sold more than Tom Cruise’s Mission Impossible and the other 500 we donated to respected community leaders such as John Black Cease Mcay. The movie was covered in the Philadelphia Inquirer, Huffington Post, and a few other large publications. The film is still used in the prison system, and gun violence has not slowed down in Philadelphia.

Barry Evans is top of the world and his family today providing valuable service to the elderly and handicapped in his community. Brandon Angel lives now in Medellin Colombia. His child was kidnapped ten years ago and has what he calls “Elizabeth Smart Syndrome.” He says the United States is a child abuse factory, and the famous Tim Ballard says that the United States is the largest consumer of child porn and child trafficking. Arguably daily emotional and spiritual abuse by your biological parent is as damaging and criminal as some of the child abuses we do persecute.

Gun violence is sad, and I have learned the most powerful statement I can make in the conversation is to “pay attention to corporations and executives who also fit Kia Karlberg’s Scientific Outline of “the real root of ALL the world’s problems!,” and the message they pay to be the most popular messages for young people. To keep a slave state, where the rich stay very rich from the exploitation of the poor, it would make great sense to program that population in a way that they stay in their place. This is not racial anymore, and likely never was but race is another tool of conflict and separation, in a world where nature shows us working together and super connectivity – it seems the dark forces show us they will divide us and conquer us infinitely unless we stand up!


Edmond Burke “All evil needs to prevail is good men to do nothing.